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About this Open Source Project

Currently, there is one maintainer of the Python tools for the Polylith Architecture and several contributors.


For code contributions (that are very much appreciated), have a look at the contributions guideline. You can also contribute with your ideas and feedback, by adding or commenting on a discussion at the discussions forum.


If you find bugs or things that doesn't work as expected, please add an Issue. This will be very helpful for the maintainers and contributors. By doing that, you are in fact contributing to improve the quality of the tool.

Code of Conduct

You will find the code of conduct here.

Having positive and constructive mindset when adding comments, feedback, Pull Requests or contributing to a discussion is a high motivator and source of inspiration for the maintainers of this project.


The Python tools for the Polylith Architecture is using the MIT License.

What's the impact if the development of this project would go stale?

The development of this tool has been on a constant pace since the beginning, and new features and versions are deployed regularly. But The Future is unknown, what will happen if the maintainers won't be able to continue the development?

The Python tools for the Polylith Architecture is primarily there for a great Developer Experience. With the tool, you can visualize the Monorepo, create bricks and projects in a simple way and you can easily validate the dependencies.

The tooling is not incorporated into your source code, and you won't be "vendor locked-in" as with a Framework. Polylith is not a Framework. Migrating away from Polylith is really simple too. You do that with one single command!

Additionally, this is an Open Source project and can (of course) be forked with continous development.